
Preparing For A Rhinoplasty: How To Make It A Smooth Procedure

A rhinoplasty, or a nose job, might not be for everyone. However, many regard it as a rewarding experience. According to plastic surgeon Dr. Pero in North Texas, rhinoplasty can help you if you’re suffering from impaired breathing.

So, if you’ve made the decision to go through with rhinoplasty, you should consider the procedure for what it is: actual surgery. As with all procedures, you must prepare beforehand. Even if you know a bit about the exercises to avoid after a nose job but aren’t sure what steps you must take, keep on reading:

Opt For Early Medical Testing

If you’re looking for a sinus infection treatment or a solution to sinusitis, getting medical tests done earlier is always better. Some patients may need to undergo a lot of testing, including X-rays, blood work, and even an electrocardiogram.

Make sure you discuss any concern at your consultation, especially after the test results come in. Your healthcare providers may recommend some of the reliable laboratories where you can get the blood tests done, so see if you can save some time and hassle in this manner.

Fill Out Any Prescriptions

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A rhinoplasty procedure usually requires some prescription medications in order to ensure a full recovery. These will most likely include an antibiotic to stave off infection, a painkiller for reducing the aching, and a couple of medicines to combat any nausea.

If at all possible, make sure to ask for these prescriptions beforehand and fill them up. This way, being proactive will free you up from worrying about purchasing the medicines right after the surgery. You’ll also be able to have more time to relax.

Prepare To Quit Smoking

Smoking is far from a healthy habit, so why not use this point in your life to finally quit? By leaving off the smoking habit a few days before the procedure, you’ll drastically reduce the infection risk and speed up the healing process.

In fact, you should try to quit smoking as early as possible, as it will make it much easier to recover afterward. Not to mention, of course, that this step is best for your body. You may use nicotine patches, gum, or any other substitute to kick the habit. But the best alternative will depend on your individual case.

Ask A Friend To Tag Along

Having someone with you when you go in for the procedure is great for moral support. This is also good for practical purposes, as you’ll want someone to drive you home after the surgery. The doctor will be limiting your driving just after the procedure and you’ll probably feel too woozy for public transport.

Even if you can’t find any friend or family member to accompany you, the staff at the facility will hopefully be able to help you out. However, you should ask for these services beforehand so they might be able to provide you with a nurse or any other staff member to accompany you home.

Carry Out House Chores A Couple of Days Before The Surgery

Prepare some meals beforehand so you don’t have to exhaust yourself later on. It will also help you get other things in order before you go under the knife.

Focusing on recovery will take up quite a bit of your time, so freeing yourself up a bit from housework, in general, is a good idea. In addition to preparing meals, you can also call a deep-cleaning service to make sure there’s not much work required for some days at least.  

What’s Next?

Taking care of certain tasks and checking off some items before your procedure will make things infinitely easier afterward. This will hopefully help you on your journey to a full recovery. Spread the word to anyone who’s considering the same, and they’ll be sure to thank yourself later on!

Written by Ashley Grace

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